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Swiss Chalet

283 Dundas Street East, Trenton, Quinte West , Ontario K8V 1M1


Food Restaurant

283 Dundas Street East, Trenton,
Quinte West, Ontario
K8V 1M1

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+1 866-439-0439

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(3 / 5) based on 2 reviews

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  • They had chicken! :D
    By Chad Collins, November 22, 2016
  • ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
    How does Swiss Chalet run out of chicken??? Did the chicken farmers go on strike?
    By Kabir Jamal, August 01, 2016
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About Swiss Chalet in Quinte West

Swiss Chalet is a food and restaurant in Quinte West, Ontario. Swiss Chalet is located at 283 Dundas Street East, Trenton.

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